A warm welcome to the Assisted Fertility Clinic Berlin
"Fertility Doctors Berlin"
Your fertility doctors berlin for individualised assisted fertility treatment
with the most modern methods in reproductive medicine
Since the 1st January 2016, the entire assisted fertility team of the former "FERA Assisted Fertility Centre" can now be found at our new practice "FERTILITY DOCTORS BERLIN" in Berlin Zehlendorf near the Underground station Oskar-Helene-Heim. You can find our modern fertility clinic in "eins - alles für die Gesundheit", the new innovative healthcare location on the former site of the Berlin University Orthopaedic Clinic, a location which guarantees treatment at the forefront of medicine with co-ordinated and networked medical services.
Our fertility doctors berlin has been working successfully for many years in the field of fertility treatment. In our new fertility clinic, we will continue as experienced experts in reproductive medicine to fulfil the desire of infertile couples to start a family. Our assisted fertility practice has accompanied many childless couples with sterility on the road to a child of their own. In the process, we have achieved significantly above-average pregnancy rates (an annual average of > 40% per embryo transfer for IVF-ICSI treatment).